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Customized on-demand bento boxes

Advisor, Design Lead, & Photographer · 2014

Bento splash screen The app was designed for the iPhone 6
Building your Bento The app was designed for the iPhone 6
Selecting a main entree in Bento The app was designed for the iPhone 6

Blending physical and digital design

The entire experience, from digital to physical, was conceptualized and brought to life. The branding of boxes, the visual design of the app, and photography style, were designed in unison to create a cohesive experience across all platforms and mediums.

Bento in real life

Designing the web experience

The best way to sell food is to make customers feel like they can already taste it. The priority for the Bento was to showcase the app design and the quality and freshness of the food.

Bento homepage design

Show the app

The best way to understand an app's purpose is to show real-world screenshots of the app in action.

Make the process easy and visualize it

An easy to understand process encourages customers to download and try.

Let the customer taste it

If your product is something that is enjoyed by the senses, help them experience it through the screen. Using gorgeous photography, Bento makes customers' mouths water.

Explain the benefits

It's important to explain the benefits, whenever a product is being sold. In this case, explaining the environmental and health impact of Bento eases the customer's concerns.

Offer a waitlist

A waitlist newsletter was offered to avoid alienating customers who are out of the delivery zone or did not have iOS devices.

Design, test, iterate & repeat

Hundreds of variations of the app screens were designed, discussed, and iterated upon over the duration of the project.

Bento select main item Bento select main item modal Bento select main item

Designed for speed & customization

Bento was designed to offer customers the ability to customize their food order without sacrificing speed. The in-app experience was modeled to mimic the shape and style of the real-world bento box container customers receive with their order.

Bento Onboarding Splash Screen


Empty Bento build

Build (empty Bento)

Bento select main

Select main dish

Bento select side dish

Select side dish

Bento select expanded detail

Expanded detail

Bento select expanded detail alternative

Expanded (alternative)

Bento half-completed box

Half completed box

Bento signup

Sign up

Bento add credit card

Add credit card

Bento complete order

Complete order

Bento choose utensils

Choose utensils

Bento order on the way

Order on the way